5 changed files with 360 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
package com.zc.business.controller; |
import com.ruoyi.common.config.RuoYiConfig; |
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; |
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment; |
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; |
import java.io.File; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; |
import java.time.LocalDate; |
import java.time.LocalDateTime; |
import java.util.Date; |
/** |
* 数据库定时备份任务 |
* 在backup文件夹中备份最近七日的数据库文件, 备份文件夹 与当前程序同一目录 |
*/ |
@Component |
@Slf4j |
public class DcMYSQLJob { |
private final Environment environment; |
private static final String IP = ""; |
private static final String PORT = "3306"; |
private static final String USER = "root"; |
private static final String PASSWORD = "mysql123!@#"; |
public DcMYSQLJob(Environment environment) { |
this.environment = environment; |
} |
@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 22 * * ?") |
//@Scheduled(cron = "0 25 * * * ?")
public void backupAthena() throws IOException { |
String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; |
extracted(url, "athena"); |
} |
@Scheduled(cron = "0 30 22 * * ?") |
//@Scheduled(cron = "0 27 * * * ?")
public void backupJiHeDC() throws IOException { |
// 数据库配置信息
String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; |
extracted(url, "jihe-dc"); |
} |
@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 23 * * ?") |
//@Scheduled(cron = "0 56 * * * ?")
public void backupJiHeDCPro() throws IOException { |
// 数据库配置信息
String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; |
extracted(url, "jihe-dc-pro"); |
} |
private static void extracted(String url, String nameOfTheDatabase) throws IOException { |
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now(); |
log.info("*******************时间:【{}】, 系统开启定时任务数据库备份*******************", now); |
// 第三个 :号下标
int subStrIndex = url.indexOf(":", url.indexOf(":", url.indexOf(":") + 1) + 1); |
// IP
String host = url.substring(url.indexOf("//") + 2, subStrIndex); |
// 端口
String subStr2 = url.substring(subStrIndex); |
String port = subStr2.substring(1, subStr2.indexOf("/")); |
// 数据库名
String dataBaseName = subStr2.substring(subStr2.indexOf("/") + 1, subStr2.indexOf("?")); |
// 环境
String os = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name"); |
log.info("备份环境信息:【{}】, 用户名:【{}】,密码:【{}】, 地址:【{}】, 端口:【{}】,数据库:【{}】", os, url, PASSWORD, host, port, dataBaseName); |
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now(); |
String filePath = RuoYiConfig.getDownloadMysqlPath(); |
Date date = new Date(); |
String format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss ").format(date).replace(" ", ""); |
String fileName = nameOfTheDatabase + "_" + format + ".sql"; |
File file = new File(filePath, fileName); |
file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); |
file.createNewFile(); |
// 备份今天数据库
DcMYSQLUtil.backup(IP, PORT, USER, PASSWORD, dataBaseName, file); |
// 删除七天前数据库备份文件 LocalDate
LocalDate before = localDate.minusDays(7); |
String fileBeforeName = nameOfTheDatabase + "-" + before + ".sql"; |
File fileBefore = new File(filePath, fileBeforeName); |
if (fileBefore.exists()) { |
fileBefore.delete(); |
} |
log.info("*******************时间:【{}】, 系统结束定时任务数据库备份*******************", now); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ |
package com.zc.business.controller; |
import java.io.*; |
public class DcMYSQLUtil { |
/** |
* 导出sql文件 |
* |
* @param host ip地址 |
* @param port 端口 |
* @param userName 用户名 |
* @param password 密码 |
* @param dbName 数据库名 |
* @param file 文件对象 |
*/ |
public static void backup(String host, String port, String userName, String password, String dbName, File file) { |
String cmd = "mysqldump --single-transaction " + " -h" + host + " -P" + port + " -u" + userName + " -p" + password + " --databases --skip-extended-insert " + dbName + " > " + file.getPath(); |
String os = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name"); |
if (os.contains("Windows")) { |
// Windows 需要加上 cmd /c
cmd = "cmd /c " + cmd; |
} |
System.out.printf("cmd命令为:%s%n", cmd); |
try { |
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); |
if (process.waitFor() == 0) { |
System.out.printf(" 数据库:%s 备份成功!%n", dbName); |
} else { |
System.out.printf(" 数据库:%s 备份失败!%n", dbName); |
} |
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
} |
} |
// /**
// * 导入sql文件
// *
// * @param host ip地址
// * @param port 端口
// * @param userName 用户名
// * @param password 密码
// * @param databaseName 数据库名
// * @param file 文件对象
// */
// public static void reduction(String host, String port, String userName, String password, String databaseName, File file) throws Exception {
// if (!file.exists()) {
// System.out.printf("文件:%s 不存在,请检查%n", file.getPath());
// return;
// }
// String filePath = file.getPath();
// String cmd = "mysql -h" + host + " -P" + port + " -u" + userName + " -p" + password + " " + databaseName + " < " + filePath;
// String os = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name");
// if (os.contains("Windows")) {
// // Windows 需要加上 cmd /c
// cmd = "cmd /c " + cmd;
// }
// System.out.printf("数据库还原命令:%s%n", cmd);
// //拼接cmd命令
// Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
// if (exec.waitFor() == 0) {
// System.out.printf("数据库:%s 还原成功,还原的文件为:%s%n", databaseName, filePath);
// } else {
// System.out.println(databaseName + "数据库还原失败");
// System.out.printf("数据库:%s 还原失败", databaseName);
// }
// }
// /**
// * 导入sql文件
// *
// * @param file 文件对象
// * @param user 用户
// * @param password 密码
// * @param db 数据库
// */
// public static void load(File file, String user, String password, String db) {
// try {
// Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
// String command = "mysql -u" + user + " -p" + password + " --default-character-set=utf8 " + db;
// Process child = rt.exec(command);
// OutputStream outputStream = child.getOutputStream();
// BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
// new InputStreamReader(Files.newInputStream(file.toPath()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// String str;
// while ((str = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// outputStreamWriter.write(str + "\r\n");
// }
// outputStreamWriter.flush();
// outputStream.close();
// bufferedReader.close();
// outputStreamWriter.close();
// System.out.println("数据库导入完成");
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// File file = new File("C:\\Users\\hansonh\\Desktop\\jar", "backup.sql");
// System.out.println("系统环境:" + System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name"));
// String subStr = "jdbc:mysql://";
// // 第三个 :号下标
// int subStrIndex = subStr.indexOf(":", subStr.indexOf(":", subStr.indexOf(":") + 1) + 1);
// // IP
// String host = subStr.substring(subStr.indexOf("//") + 2, subStrIndex);
// System.out.println("IP:" + host);
// // 端口
// String subStr2 = subStr.substring(subStrIndex);
// String port = subStr2.substring(1, subStr2.indexOf("/"));
// System.out.println("端口:" + port);
// // 数据库名
// String dataBaseName = subStr2.substring(subStr2.indexOf("/") + 1, subStr2.indexOf("?"));
// System.out.println("数据库名:" + dataBaseName);
// // 备份数据库
// DbUtil.backup( "","3306", "dev1", "dev1", "pms", file);
// // 恢复数据库
//// DbUtil.reduction( "","3306", "root", "123456", "pms", file);
// }
// */
} |
Reference in new issue