You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

559 lines
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1 year ago
const GlobalConfig = {
jiqing: { //济青配置
eventTopicsShow: true, //交通事件 是否显示
perceptionEventShow: true, //感知事件 是否显示
roadTestEquipmentShow: true, //路测设备 是否显示
equipmentFacilitiesShow: true,//设备设施
otherClassShow: false,//其他
roadNetworkFacilitiesShow: true, //路网设施 是否显示
maintenanceShow: false, //建设养护 是否显示
mapTreeShow: false, //设备树 是否显示
toolbarShow: true, //工具栏 是否显示
legendShow: true, //图例 是否显示
roadIDs: ['S000637'],//'S000637' 道路id配置 S000637--济青
roadAndBridgeTunnelShow: true,
roadIdKey 值为对应图层属性中的道路id字段 用来根据道路id查询
opmaManageIdKey 用来配置运管机构树 进行图层筛选 只根据两个值进行筛选 opmaManagerCorpIdsopmaManagerIds两个值是固定的 只需要改键 opmaManagerCorpIds对应的是树中一级发展公司 opmaManagerIds对应的是二级运管中心
is_test 用来判断加不加测试基地的数据
organizationSql 布尔值 用于判断是否要根据登录获取的机构id进行过滤 不设置默认过滤 设置true不过滤
roadAndBridgeTunnel: [
{ label: '道路线', layerName: 'roadlineLayer', roadlineLayer: true, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'ROADID', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '桩号', layerName: 'pileLayer', pileLayer: true, id: '006' },
{ label: '桥梁', layerName: 'bridgeLayerJQ', bridgeLayerJQ: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'tunnelLayer', tunnelLayer: false, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'lineTunnelLayer', lineTunnelLayer: true, id: '105', organizationSql: true }, //线隧道
equipmentFacilities: [
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'videoLayer', videoLayer: false, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'jqvideoLayer', jqvideoLayer: true },
{ label: '情报板', layerName: 'boardLayer', boardLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '收费站', layerName: 'stationLayerJQ', stationLayerJQ: true, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '服务区', layerName: 'serviceLayerJQ', serviceLayerJQ: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '枢纽立交', layerName: 'pivotLayerJQ', pivotLayerJQ: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '互通立交', layerName: 'interchangeLayerJQ', interchangeLayerJQ: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '路管机构', layerName: 'organizationLayer', organizationLayer: false, id: '109', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: 'ETC门架', layerName: 'ETCLayer', ETCLayer: true, id: '106', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
otherClass: [
{ label: '物资装备', layerName: 'emergencyLayer', emergencyLayer: false, id: '018', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, },
{ label: '交安标识', layerName: 'trafficSafetyLayer', trafficSafetyLayer: false, id: '021', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, organizationSql: true },
eventTopics: [//交通事件配置
{ label: '服务区异常', layerName: 'serviceAreaExceptionLayer', serviceAreaExceptionLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '施工建设', layerName: 'constructionLayer', constructionLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '设备设施隐患', layerName: 'sbssyhLayer', sbssyhLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '路障清除', layerName: 'roadblockRemovalLayer', roadblockRemovalLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '非法上路', layerName: 'breakIntoShLayer', breakIntoShLayer: true, id: '16' },
{ label: '交通拥堵', layerName: 'trafficJamLayer', trafficJamLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '交通管制', layerName: 'trafficControlLayer', trafficControlLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '车辆故障', layerName: 'vehicleFaultLayer', vehicleFaultLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '交通事故', layerName: 'trafficAccidentLayer', trafficAccidentLayer: true, id: '12' },
{ label: '异常天气', layerName: 'abnormalWeatherLayer', abnormalWeatherLayer: true, id: '12' },
{ label: '其他事件', layerName: 'otherLayer', otherLayer: true, id: '99' },
// { label: '道路', layerName: 'roadLayer', roadLayer: true, id: '3' },
// { label: '道路积水', layerName: 'roadPondingLayer', roadPondingLayer: true, id: '5' },
// { label: '道路团雾', layerName: 'roadMassFogLayer', roadMassFogLayer: true, id: '6' },
// { label: '大风', layerName: 'galeLayer', galeLayer: true, id: '7' },
// { label: '大雾', layerName: 'denseFogLayer', denseFogLayer: true, id: '8' },
// { label: '道路湿滑', layerName: 'roadWetSlipperyLayer', roadWetSlipperyLayer: true, id: '9' },
// { label: '道路施工', layerName: 'roadConstructionLayer', roadConstructionLayer: true, id: '10' },
// { label: '超速', layerName: 'speedingLayer', speedingLayer: true, id: '14' },
// { label: '排队超限', layerName: 'queueOverrunLayer', queueOverrunLayer: true, id: '17' },
perceptionEvent: [ //感知事件配置
{ label: '交通拥堵', layerName: 'trafficJamGzLayer', trafficJamGzLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '行人横穿', layerName: 'pedestrianCrossingGzLayer', pedestrianCrossingGzLayer: true, id: '18' },
{ label: '非机动车', layerName: 'nonMotorVehicletGzLayer', nonMotorVehicletGzLayer: true, id: '19' },
{ label: '停车', layerName: 'parkingGzLayer', parkingGzLayer: true, id: '4' },
{ label: '倒车', layerName: 'trafficRetrogradeGzLayer', trafficRetrogradeGzLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '烟火', layerName: 'fireworksGzLayer', fireworksGzLayer: true, id: '20' },
{ label: '撒落物', layerName: 'throwGzLayer', throwGzLayer: true, id: '20' },
{ label: '车辆慢行', layerName: 'slowDownGzLayer', slowDownGzLayer: true, id: '11' },
{ label: '超速', layerName: 'speedingGzLayer', speedingGzLayer: true, id: '14' },
{ label: '占用应急车道', layerName: 'emergencyLanesOccupancyGzLayer', emergencyLanesOccupancyGzLayer: true, id: '15' },
{ label: '异常变道', layerName: 'abnormalLaneChangeGzLayer', abnormalLaneChangeGzLayer: true, id: '13' },
{ label: '其他事件', layerName: 'otherGzLayer', otherGzLayer: true, id: '99' }
/* roadTestEquipment: [//
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'videoLayer', videoLayer: false, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'jqvideoLayer', jqvideoLayer: true },
{ label: '情报板', layerName: 'boardLayer', boardLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: 'MEC', layerName: 'mecLayer', mecLayer: true, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '广播', layerName: 'radioLayer', radioLayer: true, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '交调', layerName: 'CMLayer', CMLayer: true, id: '009', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '能见度检测', layerName: 'visibilityLayer', visibilityLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '路面状态', layerName: 'roadstateLayer', roadstateLayer: false, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '气象检测器', layerName: 'meteorologicalLayer', meteorologicalLayer: true, id: '006', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
// { label: '卡口', layerName: 'mountLayer', mountLayer: false, id: '109', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '智慧补光', layerName: 'lightSignLayer', lightSignLayer: true, id: '014', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '微波车检', layerName: 'rippleLayer', rippleLayer: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '雷达', layerName: 'hmbRadarLayer', hmbRadarLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '雾区诱导', layerName: 'fogGuideLayer', fogGuideLayer: true, id: '012', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '动静一体化标志', layerName: 'moveStaticLayer', moveStaticLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '智慧锥桶', layerName: 'coneBarrelLayer', coneBarrelLayer: false, id: '043', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '雷视一体', layerName: 'radarAndvideoLayer', radarAndvideoLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '智能机箱', layerName: 'smartBoxLayer', smartBoxLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
// { label: '车位指示', layerName: 'parkingSignLayer', parkingSignLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '北斗基站', layerName: 'baseStationLayer', baseStationLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: 'RSU', layerName: 'rsuLayer', rsuLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '护栏碰撞', layerName: 'barrierCollisionWarningLayer', barrierCollisionWarningLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '桥梁健康', layerName: 'bridgeHealthLayer', bridgeHealthLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
// { label: '疲劳唤醒', layerName: 'awakenLayer', awakenLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '合流预警', layerName: 'confluenceLayer', confluenceLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '融冰除雪', layerName: 'removeSnowLayer', removeSnowLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
// { label: '智慧道钉', layerName: 'spikeLayer', spikeLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '距离标志', layerName: 'distanceMarkerLayer', distanceMarkerLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
// { label: '路段广播', layerName: 'sectionRadioLayer', sectionRadioLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
// { label: '北斗高精度', layerName: 'beidouLayer', beidouLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '光栅阵列', layerName: 'rasterArrayLayer', rasterArrayLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
], */
roadTestEquipment: [//路侧设备配置-感知
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'videoLayer', videoLayer: false, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'jqvideoLayer', jqvideoLayer: true },
{ label: '交调', layerName: 'CMLayer', CMLayer: true, id: '009', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '能见度检测', layerName: 'visibilityLayer', visibilityLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '路面状态', layerName: 'roadstateLayer', roadstateLayer: false, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '气象检测器', layerName: 'meteorologicalLayer', meteorologicalLayer: true, id: '006', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '微波车检', layerName: 'rippleLayer', rippleLayer: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '雷达', layerName: 'hmbRadarLayer', hmbRadarLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
/* { label: '雷视一体', layerName: 'radarAndvideoLayer', radarAndvideoLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' }, */
{ label: '光栅阵列', layerName: 'rasterArrayLayer', rasterArrayLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
roadTestPublishEquipment: [//路侧设备配置-发布
{ label: '情报板', layerName: 'boardLayer', boardLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '广播', layerName: 'radioLayer', radioLayer: true, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '智慧补光', layerName: 'lightSignLayer', lightSignLayer: true, id: '014', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '雾区诱导', layerName: 'fogGuideLayer', fogGuideLayer: true, id: '012', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '雾区诱导标签', layerName: 'fogGuideTextLayer', fogGuideTextLayer: false, id: '0121' },
{ label: '动静一体化标志', layerName: 'moveStaticLayer', moveStaticLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '距离标志', layerName: 'distanceMarkerLayer', distanceMarkerLayer: false, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
roadTestPerceptionPublishEquipment: [//路侧设备配置-感知发布-一体
{ label: '智慧锥桶', layerName: 'coneBarrelLayer', coneBarrelLayer: false, id: '043', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '合流预警', layerName: 'confluenceLayer', confluenceLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: 'RSU', layerName: 'rsuLayer', rsuLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '护栏碰撞', layerName: 'barrierCollisionWarningLayer', barrierCollisionWarningLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '护栏碰撞', layerName: 'barrierCollisionWarningTextLayer', barrierCollisionWarningTextLayer: false, id: '001' },
roadTestOthersEquipment: [//路侧设备配置-其他
{ label: 'MEC', layerName: 'mecLayer', mecLayer: true, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '桥梁健康', layerName: 'bridgeHealthLayer', bridgeHealthLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '智能机箱', layerName: 'smartBoxLayer', smartBoxLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '北斗基站', layerName: 'baseStationLayer', baseStationLayer: true, id: '001', roadIdKey: 'road_id' },
{ label: '融冰除雪', layerName: 'removeSnowLayer', removeSnowLayer: true, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '融冰除雪标签', layerName: 'removeSnowTextLayer', removeSnowTextLayer: false, id: '001' },
roadNetworkFacilities: [//路网设施配置
{ label: '服务区', layerName: 'serviceLayerJQ', serviceLayerJQ: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '收费站', layerName: 'stationLayerJQ', stationLayerJQ: false, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '枢纽立交', layerName: 'pivotLayerJQ', pivotLayerJQ: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '互通立交', layerName: 'interchangeLayerJQ', interchangeLayerJQ: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '路管机构', layerName: 'organizationLayer', organizationLayer: false, id: '109', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '桥梁', layerName: 'bridgeLayerJQ', bridgeLayerJQ: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'tunnelLayer', tunnelLayer: false, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'lineTunnelLayer', lineTunnelLayer: true, id: '105', organizationSql: true }, //线隧道
{ label: 'ETC门架', layerName: 'ETCLayer', ETCLayer: true, id: '106', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '道路线', layerName: 'roadlineLayer', roadlineLayer: false, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'ROADID', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '行政区划', layerName: 'districtLayer', districtLayer: false, id: '100' },
{ label: '桩号', layerName: 'pileLayer', pileLayer: false, id: '006' },
{ label: '共享路段', layerName: 'shareRoadLayer', shareRoadLayer: false, id: '014', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '建设工程', layerName: 'engineeringBuild', engineeringBuild: false, id: '016', organizationSql: true },
maintenance: [ //建设养护配置
{ label: '道路损坏', layerName: 'roadDamageLayer', roadDamageLayer: false, id: '017', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面磨耗', layerName: 'roadConsumeLayer', roadConsumeLayer: false, id: '022', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '沥青路面损坏', layerName: 'asphaltRoadDamageLayer', asphaltRoadDamageLayer: false, id: '023', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面跳车', layerName: 'roadBumpLayer', roadBumpLayer: false, id: '024', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面抗滑', layerName: 'roadSkidLayer', roadSkidLayer: false, id: '025', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面平整度', layerName: 'roadSmoothLayer', roadSmoothLayer: false, id: '026', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面车辙', layerName: 'roadTrackLayer', roadTrackLayer: false, id: '027', roadIdKey: 'road_id', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '物资装备', layerName: 'emergencyLayer', emergencyLayer: false, id: '018', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, },
{ label: '交安标识', layerName: 'trafficSafetyLayer', trafficSafetyLayer: false, id: '021', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, organizationSql: true },
danao: { //大脑配置 跟济青一样
eventTopicsShow: true, //交通事件 是否显示
perceptionEventShow: true, //感知事件 是否显示
roadTestEquipmentShow: true, //路测设备 是否显示
equipmentFacilitiesShow: true,//设备设施
otherClassShow: true, //其他
roadNetworkFacilitiesShow: true, //路网设施 是否显示
maintenanceShow: true, //建设养护 是否显示
roadAndBridgeTunnelShow: true,
mapTreeShow: false, //设备树 是否显示
toolbarShow: true, //工具栏 是否显示
legendShow: true, //图例是否显示
roadIDs: [],//'G002237' 道路id配置
roadAndBridgeTunnel: [
{ label: '道路线', layerName: 'roadlineLayer', roadlineLayer: true, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'ROADID', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '桩号', layerName: 'pileLayer', pileLayer: true, id: '006' },
{ label: '桥梁', layerName: 'bridgeLayer', bridgeLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'tunnelLayer', tunnelLayer: true, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
equipmentFacilities: [
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'videoLayer', videoLayer: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '情报板', layerName: 'boardLayer', boardLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '服务区', layerName: 'serviceLayer', serviceLayer: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '收费站', layerName: 'stationLayer', stationLayer: true, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '枢纽立交', layerName: 'pivotLayer', pivotLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '互通立交', layerName: 'interchangeLayer', interchangeLayer: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '路管机构', layerName: 'organizationLayer', organizationLayer: true, id: '109', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: 'ETC门架', layerName: 'ETCLayer', ETCLayer: true, id: '106', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
roadTestPublishEquipment: [//路侧设备配置
roadTestPerceptionPublishEquipment: [//路侧设备配置
roadTestOthersEquipment: [],
otherClass: [
{ label: '物资装备', layerName: 'emergencyLayer', emergencyLayer: true, id: '018', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, },
{ label: '交通态势', layerName: 'trafficSituationLayer', trafficSituationLayer: true, id: '019', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '交安标识', layerName: 'trafficSafetyLayer', trafficSafetyLayer: true, id: '021', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, organizationSql: true },
{ label: '气象数据', layerName: 'meteorologicaldataLayer', meteorologicaldataLayer: true, id: '006', roadIdKey: 'roadId', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '行政区划', layerName: 'districtLayer', districtLayer: true, id: '100' },
{ label: '共享路段', layerName: 'shareRoadLayer', shareRoadLayer: true, id: '014', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '应急车辆', layerName: 'patrolAccidentLayer', patrolAccidentLayer: true, id: '020', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opmaManag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opmaMan2': 'opmaManagerIds' }, organizationSql: true },
{ label: '高德路况', layerName: 'gaodetrafficLayer', gaodetrafficLayer: true, id: '0002' },
eventTopics: [
{ label: '服务区异常', layerName: 'serviceAreaExceptionLayer', serviceAreaExceptionLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '施工建设', layerName: 'constructionLayer', constructionLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '设备设施隐患', layerName: 'sbssyhLayer', sbssyhLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '路障清除', layerName: 'roadblockRemovalLayer', roadblockRemovalLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '非法上路', layerName: 'breakIntoShLayer', breakIntoShLayer: true, id: '16' },
{ label: '交通拥堵', layerName: 'trafficJamLayer', trafficJamLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '交通管制', layerName: 'trafficControlLayer', trafficControlLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '车辆故障', layerName: 'vehicleFaultLayer', vehicleFaultLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '交通事故', layerName: 'trafficAccidentLayer', trafficAccidentLayer: true, id: '12' },
{ label: '异常天气', layerName: 'abnormalWeatherLayer', abnormalWeatherLayer: true, id: '12' },
{ label: '其他事件', layerName: 'otherLayer', otherLayer: true, id: '99' },
// { label: '道路', layerName: 'roadLayer', roadLayer: true, id: '3' },
// { label: '道路积水', layerName: 'roadPondingLayer', roadPondingLayer: true, id: '5' },
// { label: '道路团雾', layerName: 'roadMassFogLayer', roadMassFogLayer: true, id: '6' },
// { label: '大风', layerName: 'galeLayer', galeLayer: true, id: '7' },
// { label: '大雾', layerName: 'denseFogLayer', denseFogLayer: true, id: '8' },
// { label: '道路湿滑', layerName: 'roadWetSlipperyLayer', roadWetSlipperyLayer: true, id: '9' },
// { label: '道路施工', layerName: 'roadConstructionLayer', roadConstructionLayer: true, id: '10' },
// { label: '超速', layerName: 'speedingLayer', speedingLayer: true, id: '14' },
// { label: '排队超限', layerName: 'queueOverrunLayer', queueOverrunLayer: true, id: '17' },
perceptionEvent: [
{ label: '交通拥堵', layerName: 'trafficJamGzLayer', trafficJamGzLayer: true, id: '2' },
{ label: '行人横穿', layerName: 'pedestrianCrossingGzLayer', pedestrianCrossingGzLayer: true, id: '18' },
{ label: '非机动车', layerName: 'nonMotorVehicletGzLayer', nonMotorVehicletGzLayer: true, id: '19' },
{ label: '停车', layerName: 'parkingGzLayer', parkingGzLayer: true, id: '4' },
{ label: '倒车', layerName: 'trafficRetrogradeGzLayer', trafficRetrogradeGzLayer: true, id: '1' },
{ label: '烟火', layerName: 'fireworksGzLayer', fireworksGzLayer: true, id: '20' },
{ label: '撒落物', layerName: 'throwGzLayer', throwGzLayer: true, id: '20' },
/* { label: '', layerName: 'slowDownGzLayer', slowDownGzLayer: true, id: '11' },
{ label: '超速', layerName: 'speedingGzLayer', speedingGzLayer: true, id: '14' },
{ label: '占用应急车道', layerName: 'emergencyLanesOccupancyGzLayer', emergencyLanesOccupancyGzLayer: true, id: '15' },
{ label: '异常变道', layerName: 'abnormalLaneChangeGzLayer', abnormalLaneChangeGzLayer: true, id: '13' },
{ label: '其他', layerName: 'otherGzLayer', otherGzLayer: true, id: '99' }
roadTestEquipment: [
{ label: '摄像机', layerName: 'videoLayer', videoLayer: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '情报板', layerName: 'boardLayer', boardLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: 'MEC', layerName: 'mecLayer', mecLayer: false, id: '004', },
{ label: '广播', layerName: 'radioLayer', radioLayer: false, id: '015', },
{ label: '交调', layerName: 'CMLayer', CMLayer: false, id: '009', },
{ label: '能见度检测', layerName: 'visibilityLayer', visibilityLayer: false, id: '007', },
{ label: '路面状态', layerName: 'roadstateLayer', roadstateLayer: false, id: '105', },
{ label: '气象', layerName: 'meteorologicalLayer', meteorologicalLayer: false, id: '006', opmaManageIdKey: { 'managerCorpId': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'managerId': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
// { label: '卡口', layerName: 'mountLayer', mountLayer: false, id: '109', },
{ label: '智慧补光', layerName: 'lightSignLayer', lightSignLayer: false, id: '014', },
{ label: '微波车检', layerName: 'rippleLayer', rippleLayer: false, id: '011', },
{ label: '雷达', layerName: 'hmbRadarLayer', hmbRadarLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '雾区诱导', layerName: 'fogGuideLayer', fogGuideLayer: false, id: '012', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '动静一体化标志', layerName: 'moveStaticLayer', moveStaticLayer: false, id: '007', },
{ label: '智慧锥桶', layerName: 'coneBarrelLayer', coneBarrelLayer: false, id: '043', },
{ label: '雷视一体', layerName: 'radarAndvideoLayer', radarAndvideoLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '智能机箱', layerName: 'smartBoxLayer', smartBoxLayer: false, id: '001', },
// { label: '车位指示', layerName: 'parkingSignLayer', parkingSignLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '北斗基站', layerName: 'baseStationLayer', baseStationLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: 'RSU', layerName: 'rsuLayer', rsuLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '护栏碰撞', layerName: 'barrierCollisionWarningLayer', barrierCollisionWarningLayer: false, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '桥梁健康', layerName: 'bridgeHealthLayer', bridgeHealthLayer: false, id: '001', },
// { label: '疲劳唤醒', layerName: 'awakenLayer', awakenLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '合流预警', layerName: 'confluenceLayer', confluenceLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '融冰除雪', layerName: 'removeSnowLayer', removeSnowLayer: false, id: '001', organizationSql: true },
// { label: '智慧道钉', layerName: 'spikeLayer', spikeLayer: false, id: '001', },
{ label: '距离标志', layerName: 'distanceMarkerLayer', distanceMarkerLayer: false, id: '001', },
// { label: '路段广播', layerName: 'sectionRadioLayer', sectionRadioLayer: false, id: '001', },
// { label: '北斗高精度', layerName: 'beidouLayer', beidouLayer: false, id: '001', },
// { label: '图标测试', layerName: 'iconTestlLayer', iconTestlLayer: true, id: '107',organizationSql:true },
roadNetworkFacilities: [
{ label: '服务区', layerName: 'serviceLayer', serviceLayer: true, id: '003', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '收费站', layerName: 'stationLayer', stationLayer: true, id: '004', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '枢纽立交', layerName: 'pivotLayer', pivotLayer: true, id: '005', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '互通立交', layerName: 'interchangeLayer', interchangeLayer: true, id: '011', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '路管机构', layerName: 'organizationLayer', organizationLayer: true, id: '109', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '桥梁', layerName: 'bridgeLayer', bridgeLayer: true, id: '007', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '隧道', layerName: 'tunnelLayer', tunnelLayer: true, id: '105', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: 'ETC门架', layerName: 'ETCLayer', ETCLayer: true, id: '106', roadIdKey: 'road_id', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '道路线', layerName: 'roadlineLayer', roadlineLayer: true, id: '015', roadIdKey: 'ROADID', opmaManageIdKey: { 'opma_manag': 'opmaManagerCorpIds', 'opma_man_2': 'opmaManagerIds' } },
{ label: '行政区划', layerName: 'districtLayer', districtLayer: true, id: '100' },
{ label: '桩号', layerName: 'pileLayer', pileLayer: true, id: '006' },
{ label: '共享路段', layerName: 'shareRoadLayer', shareRoadLayer: true, id: '014', organizationSql: true },
// { label: '建设工程', layerName: 'engineeringBuild', engineeringBuild: true, id: '016' },
maintenance: [
{ label: '建设工程', layerName: 'engineeringBuild', engineeringBuild: true, id: '016', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '道路损坏', layerName: 'roadDamageLayer', roadDamageLayer: true, id: '017', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面磨耗', layerName: 'roadConsumeLayer', roadConsumeLayer: true, id: '022', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '沥青路面损坏', layerName: 'asphaltRoadDamageLayer', asphaltRoadDamageLayer: true, id: '023', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面跳车', layerName: 'roadBumpLayer', roadBumpLayer: true, id: '024', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面抗滑', layerName: 'roadSkidLayer', roadSkidLayer: true, id: '025', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面平整度', layerName: 'roadSmoothLayer', roadSmoothLayer: true, id: '026', organizationSql: true },
{ label: '路面车辙', layerName: 'roadTrackLayer', roadTrackLayer: true, id: '027', organizationSql: true },
// { label: '交通流量', layerName: 'trafficFlowLayer', trafficFlowLayer: true, id: '018' },
equipmentFacilitiesImgUrl: '',
jumpService: [
{ label: '昌乐南服务区', jumpUrl: '{authCode}&state=' },
{ label: '坊安服务区', jumpUrl: '{authCode}&state=' }
jumpRemoveSnow: "",
jumpEquipmentService: [
//感知事件获取时间类型及视频接口地址 -交通事件基本信息及附件相机情报板
trafficMonitorUrl: "",//正式地址
//trafficMonitorUrl: "",//测试环境
trafficMonitorToken: "28618fac-5eb0-4349-bde0-5cf65eb1e4f8",//对应token
trafficMonitorType: "PROD",//PROD 正式,TEST 测试
//mqttApi: 'ws://', //正式环境
mqttApi: 'ws://', //正式环境
//mqttApi: 'ws://', //测试环境
masterdataUrl: "",
masterdataToken: "1dde1bc2-a706-4a53-8a70-b8eadb2506a1",
/*图层自选展示 true为展示 false为隐藏*/
mecLayer: true, //mec图层
radioLayer: true, //广播图层
CMLayer: true, //交调图层
visibilityLayer: true, //能见度图层
roadstateLayer: false, //路面状态图层
meteorologicalLayer: true, //气象图层
mountLayer: false, //卡口相机图层
lightSignLayer: true, // 主动发光标志图层
rippleLayer: true, // 微波车检器图层
hmbRadarLayer: true, // 雷达图层
videoLayer: true, // 摄像机图层
jqvideoLayer: true,
boardLayer: true, // 情报板图层
fogGuideLayer: true,//雾区诱导图层
fogGuideTextLayer: true,
boardAllLayer: true,
moveStaticLayer: true,//动静结合一体机图层
coneBarrelLayer: false,//智慧锥桶
radarAndvideoLayer: true,//雷视一体机
smartBoxLayer: true,//智能机箱
parkingSignLayer: false,//车位指示屏
baseStationLayer: true,//北斗基站
barrierCollisionWarningLayer: true, // 护栏碰撞预警
barrierCollisionWarningTextLayer: true, // 护栏碰撞预警
bridgeHealthLayer: true, // 桥梁健康监测
rsuLayer: true, // RSU
// awakenLayer: false,//唤醒疲劳
// spikeLayer: false,//智慧道钉
confluenceLayer: true,//合流预警
removeSnowLayer: true,//融冰除雪
removeSnowTextLayer: true,//融冰除雪
distanceMarkerLayer: false,//距离标志
sectionRadioLayer: false,//路段广播
beidouLayer: false,//北斗高精度
iconTestlLayer: false,//图标测试
// 路网设施
serviceLayer: true, //服务区图层
pivotLayer: true, //枢纽立交图层
interchangeLayer: true,// 互通立交图层
stationLayer: true,//收费站图层
roadlineLayer: true,// 道路线图层
bridgeLayer: true,//桥梁图层
tunnelLayer: true,//隧道图层
lineTunnelLayer: true,//线隧道图层
pileLayer: true,//桩号图层
organizationLayer: true,//路管机构图层
shareRoadLayer: true,//共享路段图层
districtLayer: true,// 行政区划
jiqingHLLayer: true, // 济青全线高亮
jiqingMidLayer: true, // 济青连接线高亮
testBaseLayer: false, // 网联测试基地道路线
ETCLayer: true,//ETC
serviceLayerJQ: true, //济青服务区图层
pivotLayerJQ: true, //济青枢纽立交图层
interchangeLayerJQ: true,//济青互通立交图层
stationLayerJQ: false,//济青收费站图层
bridgeLayerJQ: true,//济青桥梁图层
rasterArrayLayer: true, //光栅阵列
serviceAreaExceptionLayer: true,//服务区异常
constructionLayer: true,//施工建设
sbssyhLayer: true,//设施设备隐患
roadblockRemovalLayer: true,//路障清除
breakIntoShLayer: true,//非法上路
trafficJamLayer: true,//交通拥堵
trafficControlLayer: true,//交通管制
vehicleFaultLayer: true,//车辆故障
trafficAccidentLayer: true,//交通事故
abnormalWeatherLayer: true,//异常天气
roadLayer: false,
roadPondingLayer: true,
roadMassFogLayer: true,
galeLayer: true,
denseFogLayer: true,
roadWetSlipperyLayer: true,
roadConstructionLayer: true,
speedingLayer: true,
queueOverrunLayer: true,
otherLayer: true,//其他事件
trafficJamGzLayer: true,//交通庸俗
pedestrianCrossingGzLayer: true,//行人
nonMotorVehicletGzLayer: true,//非机动车
parkingGzLayer: true,//停车
trafficRetrogradeLayer: true,//倒车
fireworksGzLayer: true,//烟火
throwGzLayer: true,//撒落物
slowDownGzLayer: true,//车辆慢行
speedingGzLayer: true,//超速
emergencyLanesOccupancyGzLayer: true,//占用应急车道
abnormalLaneChangeGzLayer: true,//异常变道
otherGzLayer: true,//其他
roadDamageLayer: true,//道路损坏
roadConsumeLayer: true,//路面磨耗
asphaltRoadDamageLayer: true,//沥青路面损坏
roadBumpLayer: true,//路面跳车
roadSkidLayer: true,//路面抗滑
roadSmoothLayer: true,//路面平整度
roadTrackLayer: true,//路面车辙
engineeringBuild: true,//建设工程图层
emergencyLayer: true,//物资装备图层
// trafficFlowLayer: false,//交通流量
trafficSituationLayer: true,//交通态势
patrolAccidentLayer: true,//应急车辆(安装定位设备)
gaodeTrafficLayer: true,//高德路况
congestionSectionLayer: false,// 自有交通路况
trafficSafetyLayer: true,//交安标识图层
meteorologicaldataLayer: true,//气象数据图层
// BaseMapUrl: "",
BaseMapUrl: "",
BaseMapUrl_L: "",
// jiqingRoadUrl_dark: '',
// jiqingRoadUrl_dark: '',
jiqingRoadUrl_dark: '',
jiqingRoadUrl_light: '',
jiqingHLUrl: '',
jingtaiHLUrl: '',
jiqingMidUrl: '',
/*网联测试基地道路线 */
testBaseUrl: '',
/* 路侧设备*/
hmbRadarLayerUrl: "", // 雷达
radioLayerUrl: "", // 广播
barrierCollisionWarningLayerUrl: "", // 护栏碰撞预警
barrierCollisionWarningTextLayerUrl: "",// 护栏碰撞预警标签
bridgeHealthLayerUrl: "", // 桥梁健康监测
rsuLayerUrl: "", // RSU
MECLaryerUrl: "", // MEC
CMLayerUrl: "", // 交调
visibilityLayerUrl: "", // 能见度检测
meteorologicalLayerUrl: "", // 气象
mountLayerUrl: "", // 卡口
lightSignLayerUrl: "", // 发光标志 智慧补光
rippleLayerUrl: "", // 微波检测
videoLayerUrl: "", // 摄像机
jqvideoLayerUrl: "", //济青摄像机
boardLayerUrl: "", // 情报板
fogGuideLayerUrl: '', // 雾区诱导
fogGuideTextLayerUrl: '', // 雾区诱导标签
radarAndvideoLayerUrl: '', // 雷视一体
smartBoxLayerUrl: '', // 智能机箱
parkingSignLayerUrl: '', // 车位指示屏
baseStationLayerUrl: '', // 北斗基站
awakenLayerUrl: '', // 疲劳唤醒
confluenceLayerUrl: '', // 合流预警
removeSnowLayerUrl: '', // 融冰除雪
removeSnowTextLayerUrl: "",// 融冰除雪标签
removeSnowPtLayerUrl: '',// 融冰除雪中心点
spikeLayerUrl: '', // 智慧道钉
// distanceMarkerLayerUrl: '', // 距离标志
sectionRadioLayerUrl: '', // 路段广播
beidouLayerUrl: '', // 北斗高精度
// roadstateLayerUrl: "", // 路面状态
moveStaticLayerUrl: '', // 一体化动静结合
// coneBarrelLayerUrl: '', // 智慧锥桶
iconTestlLayerUrl: '',//图标测试
rasterArrayLayerUrl: '',//光栅阵列
/* 路网设施 */
serviceLayerUrl: '', // 服务区
stationLayerUrl: '', // 收费站
organizationLayerUrl: '', // 机构
interchangeLayerUrl: '', // 互通立交
pivotLayerUrl: '', // 枢纽立交
bridgeLayerUrl: '', // 桥梁
tunnelLayerUrl: '',// 隧道
lineTunnelLayerUrl: '',// 线隧道
pileLayerUrl: '', // 桩号
roadlineLayerUrl: '',// 道路线
selectRoadLayerUrl: '',// 道路线高亮
shareRoadLayerUrl: '', // 共享路段
administrativeAreaLayerUrl: "", // 行政区划
ETCLayerUrl: "",//ETC
serviceLayerJQUrl: '', // 济青服务区
stationLayerJQUrl: '', // 济青收费站
interchangeLayerJQUrl: '', // 济青互通立交
pivotLayerJQUrl: '', // 济青枢纽立交
bridgeLayerJQUrl: '', // 济青桥梁
/* 建设养护*/
engineeringBuildUrl: "", //建设工程
roadDamageLayerUrl: "",//道路损坏
roadConsumeLayerUrl: "",//路面磨耗
asphaltRoadDamageLayerUrl: "",//沥青路面损坏
roadBumpLayerUrl: "",//路面跳车
roadSkidLayerUrl: "",//路面抗滑
roadSmoothLayerUrl: "",//路面平整度
roadTrackLayerUrl: "",//路面车辙
// roadTrackLayerUrl: "",//路面车辙 测试token用
emergencyLayerUrl: '',//物资装备
trafficFlowLayerUrl: '',//交通流量
trafficSafetyLayerUrl: '',//交安标识
selectDistrictLayerUrl: '', //行政区划高亮
selectDistrictBJLayerUrl: '',
danaoGreenLineLayerUrl: ''
export default {