Browse Source


王钦 7 months ago
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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"fuse.js": "6.4.3",
"gis-map-admin": "^0.9.2",
"gis-map-tunnel": "^0.1.3",
"gis-map-universal": "^0.3.4",
"gis-map-universal": "^0.3.5",
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
const TokenKey = 'DC-Pro-Token'
const TokenKey = 'DC-Token'
export function getToken() {
return Cookies.get(TokenKey)


@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
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@ -162,13 +163,12 @@ export default {
this.value = "";
console.log(this.$refs.FormConfigRef?.formData , "重置前");
// this.visible = true;
// this.$refs.PopoverRef.doClose();
const param = cloneDeep(this.$refs.FormConfigRef?.formData);
if (this.types === "input") {
if (param && this.types === "input") {
param[this.params] = null
console.log(this.$refs.FormConfigRef?.formData , "重置后");


@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
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@ -71,6 +71,7 @@


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Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<div class="BMapContainer">
<gisMap2d ref="gisMap2d"
:mapZoom = "mapZoom"
:mapZoom = "15"
:mapBoxHeight="height" @clickPointEvent="clickPointEvent" widgetBoxDisplay="none"></gisMap2d>
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
mapBoxHeight: '100vh',
mapZoom: '7.5', // '7.5' String
mapCenter: [116.329514, 35.505288], //[118.75, 36.46] Array
mapZoom: '15', // '7.5' String
mapCenter: [110.329514, 35.505288], //[118.75, 36.46] Array


@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ export default {
label: '温度',
key: `temperature`,
text: deviceInfo.formatValue['temperature'] ? `${deviceInfo.formatValue['temperature']} °C` : '-',
text: deviceInfo.formatValue['temperature'] ? `${deviceInfo.formatValue['temperature']} ` : '-',
gridColumn: 2
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export default {
label: '湿度',
key: `humidity`,
text: deviceInfo.formatValue['humidity'] ? `${deviceInfo.formatValue['humidity']} %` : '-',
text: deviceInfo.formatValue['humidity'] ? `${deviceInfo.formatValue['humidity']} ` : '-',
gridColumn: 2


@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ export default {
let pop = document.getElementsByClassName('el-popover')
for(let i of pop){
if(i.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'false'){['z-index'] = '2001'['z-index'] = '1000'
}, 100);


@ -13,8 +13,19 @@ import Vue from "vue";
import { markerClusterIns, getContent, getLatAndLng } from "./map";
const cameraIcon = {
// 球机
"00": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_active.svg"),
"01": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_fault.svg"),
"b0": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_active.svg"),
"b1": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_fault.svg"),
"c0": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballc_active.svg"),
"c1": require("@screen/images/deviceType/ballc_fault.svg"),
"d0": require("@screen/images/deviceType/balld_active.svg"),
"d1": require("@screen/images/deviceType/balld_fault.svg"),
const boardIcon = {
// 雨棚
"b0": require("@screen/images/deviceType/boardb_active.svg"),
"b1": require("@screen/images/deviceType/boardb_fault.svg"),
"c0": require("@screen/images/deviceType/boardc_active.svg"),
"c1": require("@screen/images/deviceType/boardc_fault.svg"),
export const cacheRemoveFunc = {};
@ -29,8 +40,17 @@ export const DeviceForMap = {
* 0 球机 可控
* 1 枪机 不可控
const type = JSON.parse(item.otherConfig || "{}")?.ptzCtrl || 1;
let type = 1;
const ctype = item.childType;
if(ctype && ctype === '1-2'){
type = 'b'
} else if(ctype && ctype === '1-4'){
type = 'c'
} else if(ctype && ctype === '1-5'){
type = 'd'
} else if(ctype && ctype === '1-3'){
type = 'e'
return cameraIcon[`${type}${+!bool}`];
@ -42,6 +62,19 @@ export const DeviceForMap = {
情报板: {
deviceType: "2",
dialog: "InfoBoard",
options: {
iconCallback(bool, item) {
let type = 1;
const ctype = item.childType;
// const ctype = JSON.parse(item.otherConfig || "{}")?.childType;
if(ctype && ctype === '2-3'){
type = 'b'
} else if(ctype && (ctype === '2-4'||ctype === '2-2')){
type = 'c'
return boardIcon[`${type}${+!bool}`];
语音广播: {
deviceType: "5",


@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
style="z-index: 2049;"
:title=" ? '管理' : '新增'"
@ -243,6 +242,7 @@ export default {
onAddTaskGroup() {
this.editingTime = '0:0';
this.isShowTimeEdit = true;
onModifyTime(taskG) {
@ -282,23 +282,21 @@ export default {
onSubmitTime(time) {
this.isShowTimeEdit = false;
let aryTime = time.split(':')
if(aryTime.length >= 2){
if(aryTime[0].length === 1){
aryTime[0] = '0'+aryTime[0]
if(aryTime[1].length === 1){
aryTime[1] = '0'+aryTime[1]
let _time = aryTime.join(':');
if (Object.keys(this.selectedTaskGroup).length > 0) {
let aryTime = time.split(':')
if(aryTime.length === 3){
if(aryTime[0].length === 1){
aryTime[0] = '0'+aryTime[0]
if(aryTime[1].length === 1){
aryTime[1] = '0'+aryTime[1]
if(aryTime[2].length === 1){
aryTime[2] = '0'+aryTime[1]
this.selectedTaskGroup.time = aryTime.join(':');
this.selectedTaskGroup.time = _time;
this.selectedTaskGroup = {};
} else {
this.taskGroupsEditing.push({ time, tasks: [] });
this.taskGroupsEditing.push({ time: _time, tasks: [] });
let detailedConfiguration = [];
@ -360,13 +358,14 @@ export default {
if (result.code != 200) return;
this.taskGroupsEditing.forEach((item) => {
let aryTime = item.time.split(':')
if(aryTime.length === 3){
if(aryTime.length >= 2){
if(aryTime[0].length === 1){
aryTime[0] = '0'+aryTime[0]
if(aryTime[1].length === 1){
aryTime[1] = '0'+aryTime[1]
if(aryTime[2].length === 1){
aryTime[2] = '0'+aryTime[1]
item.time = aryTime.join(':')
let arr = _.filter(, (itm) => {
@ -374,7 +373,6 @@ export default {
this.$set(item, "tasksEdit", arr);
// item.tasksEdit = arr;


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<Dialog v-model="modelVisible" :title="(this.mode==='edit')?'修改':'新增'" width="600px" label-width="120px" style="z-index: 2050;">
<Dialog v-model="modelVisible" :title="(this.mode==='edit')?'修改':'新增'" width="600px" label-width="120px" >
<el-form-item label="设备类型">
<!-- <el-radio-group v-model="searchData.deviceType" @input="onChange">


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<Dialog v-model="modelVisible" title="触发时间设置" width="400px" label-width="120px" style="z-index: 2050;">
<Dialog v-model="modelVisible" title="触发时间设置" width="400px" label-width="120px" >
<el-form-item label="时(支持cron表达式)">
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="24" v-model="editData.hour"></el-input-number>
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="23" v-model="editData.hour"></el-input-number>
<el-form-item label="分(支持cron表达式)">
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="59" v-model="editData.minute"></el-input-number>
@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ export default {
methods: {
if(this.editData.hour === undefined || this.editData.hour === null || this.editData.hour === ''){
if(this.editData.minute=== undefined || this.editData.minute === null || this.editData.minute === ''){
let time = [this.editData.hour, this.editData.minute, "00"].join(":");
this.$emit("onSubmit", time)


@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ export default {
let _time = aryTime.join(':');
if (Object.keys(this.selectedTaskGroup).length > 0) {
this.selectedTaskGroup.time = _time;
this.selectedTaskGroup = {};
} else {


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<Dialog v-model="modelVisible" title="触发时间设置" width="400px" label-width="120px">
<el-form-item label="时(支持cron表达式)">
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="24" v-model="editData.hour"></el-input-number>
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="23" v-model="editData.hour"></el-input-number>
<el-form-item label="分(支持cron表达式)">
<el-input-number :min="0" :max="59" v-model="editData.minute"></el-input-number>
@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ export default {
methods: {
if(this.editData.hour === ''){
if(this.editData.minute === ''){
let time = [this.editData.hour, this.editData.minute, "00"].join(":");
this.$emit("onSubmit", time)


@ -198,16 +198,33 @@ export default {
const icon_f = require(`@screen/images/layerb/路测设备/摄像机_fault.svg`);
const iconb = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_active.svg`);
const iconb_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/ballb_fault.svg`);
const iconc = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/ballc_active.svg`);
const iconc_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/ballc_fault.svg`);
const icond = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/balld_active.svg`);
const icond_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/balld_fault.svg`);
const icone = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/balle_active.svg`);
const icone_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/balle_fault.svg`);
const points = [];
list.forEach((e) => {
e.parseOtherConfig = JSON.parse(e.otherConfig)
let iconUrl = (e.useState ? icon : icon_f);
iconUrl = (e.useState ? iconb : iconb_f);
} else if(e.childType==='1-3'){
iconUrl = (e.useState ? icone : icone_f);
} else if(e.childType==='1-4'){
iconUrl = (e.useState ? iconc : iconc_f);
} else if(e.childType==='1-5'){
iconUrl = (e.useState ? icond : icond_f);
type: 'event',
longitude: parseFloat(e.longitude),
latitude: parseFloat(e.latitude),
iconUrl: e.childType==='1-1'?(e.useState ? icon : icon_f):(e.useState ? iconb : iconb_f),
iconUrl: iconUrl,
otherInfo: {
ext: null,
name: e.deviceName,
@ -294,13 +311,25 @@ export default {
const map2d = this.$refs.MapContainerRef.getMapInstance();
const icon = require(`@screen/images/layerb/路测设备/情报板_active.svg`);
const icon_f = require(`@screen/images/layerb/路测设备/情报板_fault.svg`);
const iconb = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/boardb_active.svg`);
const iconb_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/boardb_fault.svg`);
const iconc = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/boardc_active.svg`);
const iconc_f = require(`@screen/images/deviceType/boardc_fault.svg`);
const points = []; => {
let iconUrl = (e.useState ? icon : icon_f);
iconUrl = (e.useState ? iconb : iconb_f);
} else if(e.childType==='2-2' || e.childType==='2-4'){
iconUrl = (e.useState ? iconc : iconc_f);
type: 'event',
longitude: parseFloat(e.longitude),
latitude: parseFloat(e.latitude),
iconUrl: e.useState ? icon : icon_f,
// iconUrl: e.useState ? icon : icon_f,
iconUrl: iconUrl,
otherInfo: {
ext: null,
name: e.deviceName,


@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ export default {
}).then(async (res) => {
this.statsDialogAction =;
if( === 0){
if(this.detailData.eventState === 2){
const result = await request({
url: "/business/warning/intelligentSource",
method: "post",


@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ export const gjSearchFormList = [
label: "济南方向",
key: "2",
key: "",
label: "双向",
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ export const gzSearchFormList = [
label: "济南方向",
key: "2",
key: "",
label: "双向",


@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export default {
activeName: "-1",
panels: [
label: "告警事件",
label: "感知事件",
key: "-1"


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div style="padding-bottom: 100px;">
<div style="padding-bottom: 50px;overflow-y: auto;">
<div v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="" class="rowBlock">
<div style="flex:1">
<ScopeTable :tableInfo="item" @onchange="onChange" :index="index"></ScopeTable>
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ export default {
.EventAddPlanDialog {
gap: 9px;
width: 100%;
height: 310px;
height: 400px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;


@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
<div class="right-bottom" >
<div id="chartList" class="chartList"></div>
<div class="right-table">
<Table :data="tableData" style="width: 75vw">
<Table :data="tableData" style="width: 99%">
<ElTableColumn label="名称" prop="name" width="240" align="center" />
<ElTableColumn label="采集时间" prop="timestamp" width="100" align="center" />
<ElTableColumn v-for="(item,index) of tableCols" :label="item.label" :prop="item.value" align="center" />


@ -23,9 +23,17 @@
@ -36,8 +44,11 @@
@ -52,8 +63,12 @@


@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
<div class="right-div">
:formList="searchFormList" @handleSearch="handleSearch" />
@ -290,11 +287,13 @@ export default {
onRefreshData() {
this.searchData.pageNum = 1;
this.tableData = [];
// this.initQueryChart();
// this.initQueryTable();
handleSearch(data) {
this.startTime = moment(data.time[0]).format("YYYY-MM-DD") + ' 00:00:00';


@ -17,8 +17,13 @@
<InputSearch ref="searchComp" style="width: 480px" :formList="searchFormList"
:formConfigOptions="{ dFormData: { eventState: '0' } }" @handleSearch="handleSearch" />
<InputSearch ref="searchComp"
style="width: 480px"
@handleSearch="handleSearch" />
<!-- 内容 -->


@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ export default {
____refreshPageData() {
// if (para.type == "template") {
// this.____getAllTemplate().then((res) => {


@ -205,10 +205,7 @@ export default {
pageSize: this.pageSize,
pageNum: this.currentPage,
// params = {
// pageSize: 1000000,
// pageNum: 1
// };
return params;
async handleDelete(data) {
@ -244,15 +241,9 @@ export default {
if (this.searchData){
this.searchData.word = undefined;
// console.log(this.$refs["form"] , "__-=========");
// this.getData();
async getData() {
// const closeLoading = setLoading();
this.isLoading = true;
await delay(100);


@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ export const deviceTypeOptions = [
value: 12,
label: "行车诱导",
label: "智能行车诱导",
timingControl: true,


@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ module.exports = {
// detail:
[process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: {
// target: ``,
// target: ``, //刘文阁
// target: ``, //王思祥
// target: ``, //赵祥龙
// target: ``, //孟凡峰
// target: ``, //王家宝
target: ``, //王兴琳
// target: ``, //王兴琳
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
["^" + process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: "",
