\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/composeFeatures/assets/charts.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/composeFeatures/assets/charts.js
index a02bbe25..e4ed44c1 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/composeFeatures/assets/charts.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/composeFeatures/assets/charts.js
@@ -1,137 +1,109 @@
import * as echarts from "echarts";
var options = {
- color: ["#07A3FB"],
- grid: {
- left: "2%",
- right: "5%",
- bottom: "10%",
- top: "10%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- legend: {
- show:false,
- icon: 'rect',
- top: '0%',
- right: '5%',
- data: ['实时数据'],
- itemWidth:18,
- itemHeight: 5,
- itemGap: 30,
- itemStyle:{
- color:"#FFD15C",
- },
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: '#fff',
- padding: [0, 0, 0, 10],
- },
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: "category",
- axisLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#07A3FB",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
- },
- axisLabel: {
- // interval:0,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
+ color: ["#07A3FB"],
+ grid: {
+ left: "0%",
+ right: "8%",
+ bottom: "0%",
+ top: "10%",
+ containLabel: true,
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ type: "category",
+ axisLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#07A3FB",
- data: [
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- ],
- },
- yAxis: {
- type: "value",
- min: 0,
- max:800,
- minInterval: 100,
- nameTextStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- align: "center",
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ // interval:0,
+ color: "#fff",
+ fontSize: 10,
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ data: [
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ ],
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ type: "value",
+ nameTextStyle: {
+ fontSize: 10,
+ color: "#fff",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#07A3FB",
+ // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#07A3FB",
- // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- },
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ fontSize: 10,
+ fontFamily: "Bebas",
+ color: "#fff",
+ },
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ type: "line",
+ // symbol: "none",
+ showSymbol: false,
+ smooth: true, // 是否曲线
+ name: "实时数据", // 图例对应类别
+ data: [112, 122, 323, 223, 230, 112, 326, 228, 331, 423, 225, 123], // 纵坐标数据
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#07A3FB",
- splitArea: { show: false },
- axisLine: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisLabel: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontFamily: "Bebas",
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- },
- },
- series: [
- {
- type: "line",
- // symbol: "none",
- showSymbol: false,
- smooth: true, // 是否曲线
- name: "实时数据", // 图例对应类别
- data: [112, 122, 723, 623, 530, 612, 626,728, 531, 423 ,625, 423, 423], // 纵坐标数据
- lineStyle :{
- color:"#07A3FB"
- },
- areaStyle: {
- // 区域颜色
- // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
- // {
- // offset: 0,
- // color: "#5090FF",
- // },
- // {
- // offset: 1,
- // color: "#1057E5",
- // },
- // ]),
- color: {
- type: 'linear',
- x: 0, //右
- y: 0, //下
- x2: 0, //左
- y2: 1, //上
- colorStops: [
- {
- offset: 0.1,
- color: '#07A3FB99' // 0% 处的颜色
- },
- {
- offset: 1,
- opacity:0.01,
- color: '#07A3FB00' // 100% 处的颜色
- }
- ]
+ areaStyle: {
+ // 区域颜色
+ // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
+ // {
+ // offset: 0,
+ // color: "#5090FF",
+ // },
+ // {
+ // offset: 1,
+ // color: "#1057E5",
+ // },
+ // ]),
+ color: {
+ type: "linear",
+ x: 0, //右
+ y: 0, //下
+ x2: 0, //左
+ y2: 1, //上
+ colorStops: [
+ {
+ offset: 0.1,
+ color: "#07A3FB99", // 0% 处的颜色
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ opacity: 0.01,
+ color: "#07A3FB00", // 100% 处的颜色
- },
+ ],
+ },
- ],
+ },
+ ],
-export default options;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default options;
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/crowding/assets/charts.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/crowding/assets/charts.js
index cc2e5b2e..e0eada52 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/crowding/assets/charts.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/crowding/assets/charts.js
@@ -1,137 +1,109 @@
import * as echarts from "echarts";
var options = {
- color: ["#E29E37"],
- grid: {
- left: "2%",
- right: "5%",
- bottom: "10%",
- top: "10%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- legend: {
- show:false,
- icon: 'rect',
- top: '0%',
- right: '5%',
- data: ['实时数据'],
- itemWidth:18,
- itemHeight: 5,
- itemGap: 30,
- itemStyle:{
- color:"#FFD15C",
- },
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: '#fff',
- padding: [0, 0, 0, 10],
- },
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: "category",
- axisLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#E29E37",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
- },
- axisLabel: {
- // interval:0,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
+ color: ["#E29E37"],
+ grid: {
+ left: "0%",
+ right: "0%",
+ bottom: "0%",
+ top: "10%",
+ containLabel: true,
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ type: "category",
+ axisLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#E29E37",
- data: [
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- ],
- },
- yAxis: {
- type: "value",
- min: 0,
- max:800,
- minInterval: 100,
- nameTextStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- align: "center",
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ // interval:0,
+ color: "#fff",
+ fontSize: 10,
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ data: [
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ ],
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ type: "value",
+ nameTextStyle: {
+ fontSize: 10,
+ color: "#fff",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#E29E37",
+ // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#E29E37",
- // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- },
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ fontSize: 10,
+ fontFamily: "Bebas",
+ color: "#fff",
+ },
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ type: "line",
+ // symbol: "none",
+ showSymbol: false,
+ smooth: true, // 是否曲线
+ name: "实时数据", // 图例对应类别
+ data: [112, 122, 323, 223, 230, 112, 326, 228, 331, 423, 225, 123], // 纵坐标数据
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#E29E37",
- splitArea: { show: false },
- axisLine: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisLabel: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontFamily: "Bebas",
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- },
- },
- series: [
- {
- type: "line",
- // symbol: "none",
- showSymbol: false,
- smooth: true, // 是否曲线
- name: "实时数据", // 图例对应类别
- data: [112, 122, 723, 623, 530, 612, 626,728, 531, 423 ,625, 423, 423], // 纵坐标数据
- lineStyle :{
- color:"#E29E37"
- },
- areaStyle: {
- // 区域颜色
- // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
- // {
- // offset: 0,
- // color: "#5090FF",
- // },
- // {
- // offset: 1,
- // color: "#1057E5",
- // },
- // ]),
- color: {
- type: 'linear',
- x: 0, //右
- y: 0, //下
- x2: 0, //左
- y2: 1, //上
- colorStops: [
- {
- offset: 0.1,
- color: '#E29E3799' // 0% 处的颜色
- },
- {
- offset: 1,
- opacity:0.01,
- color: '#E29E3700' // 100% 处的颜色
- }
- ]
+ areaStyle: {
+ // 区域颜色
+ // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
+ // {
+ // offset: 0,
+ // color: "#5090FF",
+ // },
+ // {
+ // offset: 1,
+ // color: "#1057E5",
+ // },
+ // ]),
+ color: {
+ type: "linear",
+ x: 0, //右
+ y: 0, //下
+ x2: 0, //左
+ y2: 1, //上
+ colorStops: [
+ {
+ offset: 0.1,
+ color: "#E29E3799", // 0% 处的颜色
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ opacity: 0.01,
+ color: "#E29E3700", // 100% 处的颜色
- },
+ ],
+ },
- ],
+ },
+ ],
-export default options;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default options;
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/saturationMax/assets/charts.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/saturationMax/assets/charts.js
index 38574b1e..89e0c3ab 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/saturationMax/assets/charts.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/saturationMax/assets/charts.js
@@ -1,137 +1,108 @@
import * as echarts from "echarts";
var options = {
+ color: ["#32BB8A", "#01B3E4"],
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ },
+ grid: {
+ left: "0%",
+ right: "0%",
+ bottom: "0%",
+ top: "10%",
+ containLabel: true,
+ },
- color: ["#32BB8A", "#01B3E4"],
- grid: {
- left: "2%",
- right: "5%",
- bottom: "10%",
- top: "10%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- legend: {
- show:false,
- icon: 'rect',
- top: '0%',
- right: '5%',
- data: ['实时数据'],
- itemWidth:18,
- itemHeight: 5,
- itemGap: 30,
- itemStyle:{
- color:"#FFD15C",
+ xAxis: {
+ type: "category",
+ axisLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#32BB8A",
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: '#fff',
- padding: [0, 0, 0, 10],
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ // interval:0,
+ color: "#fff",
+ fontSize: 10,
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ data: [
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ ],
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ type: "value",
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#32BB8A",
+ // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: "category",
- axisLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#32BB8A",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ fontSize: 10,
+ fontFamily: "Bebas",
+ color: "#fff",
+ },
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ type: "line",
+ // symbol: "none",
+ showSymbol: false,
+ smooth: true, // 是否曲线
+ name: "", // 图例对应类别
+ data: [112, 122, 323, 223, 230, 112, 326, 228, 331, 423, 225, 123], // 纵坐标数据
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: "#32BB8A",
- axisLabel: {
- // interval:0,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- fontSize: 12,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
- },
- data: [
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- ],
- },
- yAxis: {
- type: "value",
- min: 0,
- max:800,
- minInterval: 100,
- nameTextStyle: {
- fontSize: 12,
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- align: "center",
- },
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: "#32BB8A",
- // type: 'dashed', // dotted 虚线
- },
- },
- splitArea: { show: false },
- axisLine: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisLabel: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontFamily: "Bebas",
- color: "#BDD8FB",
- },
- },
- series: [
- {
- type: "line",
- // symbol: "none",
- showSymbol: false,
- smooth: true, // 是否曲线
- name: "实时数据", // 图例对应类别
- data: [112, 122, 723, 623, 530, 612, 626,728, 531, 423 ,625, 423, 423], // 纵坐标数据
- lineStyle :{
- color:"#32BB8A"
- },
- areaStyle: {
- // 区域颜色
- // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
- // {
- // offset: 0,
- // color: "#5090FF",
- // },
- // {
- // offset: 1,
- // color: "#1057E5",
- // },
- // ]),
- color: {
- type: 'linear',
- x: 0, //右
- y: 0, //下
- x2: 0, //左
- y2: 1, //上
- colorStops: [
- {
- offset: 0.1,
- color: '#32BB8A99' // 0% 处的颜色
- },
- {
- offset: 1,
- opacity:0.01,
- color: '#32BB8A01' // 100% 处的颜色
- }
- ]
+ areaStyle: {
+ // 区域颜色
+ // color: new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
+ // {
+ // offset: 0,
+ // color: "#5090FF",
+ // },
+ // {
+ // offset: 1,
+ // color: "#1057E5",
+ // },
+ // ]),
+ color: {
+ type: "linear",
+ x: 0, //右
+ y: 0, //下
+ x2: 0, //左
+ y2: 1, //上
+ colorStops: [
+ {
+ offset: 0.1,
+ color: "#32BB8A99", // 0% 处的颜色
- },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ opacity: 0.01,
+ color: "#32BB8A01", // 100% 处的颜色
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
- ],
+ },
+ ],
-export default options;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default options;
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts.js
index 0169b1ce..a1afc8a7 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts.js
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ nameList.map((item, index) => {
var options = {
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ },
legend: {
// orient: 'vertical',
icon: "circle",
@@ -78,7 +81,6 @@ var options = {
containLabel: true,
xAxis: {
- type: "category",
data: nameList,
axisTick: {
show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
@@ -99,9 +101,6 @@ var options = {
type: "value",
name: "",
- max: 1200,
- min: 0,
- splitNumber: 5,
nameTextStyle: {
color: "#fff",
fontSize: 10,
@@ -117,12 +116,6 @@ var options = {
// return yList[index]
// }
- axisLine: {
- show: false,
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false,
- },
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: "rgba(49, 217, 255, 0.5)",
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts2.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts2.js
index e750558b..4e798482 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts2.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts2.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let data2 = [[60, 60, 65, 60, 70, 40, 80, 63]];
let options = {
tooltip: {
show: true,
- trigger: "item",
+ // trigger: "item",
formatter: (data) => {
// console.log(data.seriesIndex);
var tip = '
' + data.seriesName + "";
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts3.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts3.js
index 5d621958..508b636c 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts3.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/assets/charts3.js
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ let xData = [
let data1 = [200, 530, 920, 400, 600, 700, 300, 800, 900, 120, 570, 800];
let options = {
tooltip: {
- show: false,
- trigger: "axis",
- axisPointer: {
- // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
- type: "shadow", // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
- },
- textStyle: {
- color: "#fff",
- fontSize: 14,
- },
- backgroundColor: "rgba(3, 31, 71, .0)", //设置背景颜色
- borderColor: "rgba(3, 31, 71, .1)",
- formatter: "健康监测
+ show: true,
+ // trigger: "axis",
+ // axisPointer: {
+ // // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
+ // type: "shadow", // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
+ // },
+ // textStyle: {
+ // color: "#fff",
+ // fontSize: 14,
+ // },
+ // backgroundColor: "rgba(3, 31, 71, .0)", //设置背景颜色
+ // borderColor: "rgba(3, 31, 71, .1)",
+ // formatter: "健康监测
grid: {
left: "2%",
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/index.vue b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/index.vue
index 5f5c64f8..7f03ac63 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/index.vue
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/JiHeExpressway/pages/perception/trafficSituation/components/IndicatorAnalysis/components/trafficIndicators/index.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- 查询
- 重置
+ 查询
+ 重置